Yandex Routing

Company style guide for the Yandex.Routing service — the b2b logistical division of the IT giant Yandex




  • Identity
  • Generative graphic

What we did:


Yandex.Routing is essentially an algorithm that allows businesses to improve and optimize the last-mile leg of its supply and delivery chains.

The routing algorithm eliminates the human factor from logistics calculations.

We went even further — and eliminated humans from visual design. Our program generates an infinite amount of permutations of the central object, using three different shapes as a base. A designer’s job is simple: save the nicest ones to disk.

Two color schemes were developed to match the product’s two audiences: couriers and logistics specialists; they ensure the consistency of visual communication. Pointedly non-natural, neon colors resemble late-night billboards lighting the courier’s way.

Each layout has a completely unique visual. Here, the algorithm always takes the first move and wins by a mile.

On every ad.

Static and animated.

The photo style was developed to match the same color schemes, and the photoshoots featuring vehicles were done by the top Russian car photographer, Sergei Krestov.

Our software cannot yet design the layouts as well, so we’ve prepared detailed guidelines for graphic designers.

Dynamic style for dynamic video- and photo production team




  • Identity
  • Strategy
  • Web